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March 3rd, 2023

University of Toronto Student Climate Strike


Stop Ecocide Toronto worked with Climate Justice U of T, VUSAC Sustainability Commission, and allied students to organize a climate strike.


One of our 4 demands to the University of Toronto was:


"We call on the University of Toronto to endorse the global movement to make ecocide an international crime. 

  1. The University should sign the Open Letter from Canadian organisations and institutions to the Canadian government for support of a law against ecocide. 

  2. The University should issue a public statement of support for the introduction of a law against ecocide."


Sept 23, 2022

Toronto Climate Strike


Stop Ecocide Toronto worked with the U of T climate strike organizers to design demand Demand 4:


" [..] Facilitate discussions about new and innovative environmental solutions or movements, such the criminalizing ecocide, according rights to nature, and more."


Canada's National Observer:

"Young Canadians ask feds to help make ecocide an international crime"

By Morgan Sharp

May 31, 2022

Featured signatures:


Aishwarya Puttur, education lead at Banking on a Better Future


Naila Moloo, climate and clean energy activist in Ontario


Ginger Osecki, climate activist in British Columbia


Katia Bannister, community climate organizer and blogger behind 'Sowing Seeds of Change'


Skw'akw'as Dunstan-Moore, Community Climate Justice Coordinator at VIDEA


Sophia Mathur, Fridays for Future Sudbury

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